Monday, 23 September 2013

What I learned from Google AdSense

In 2006, I was university student and relying on family income. It was hard to struggle for me. When I knew that there was an opportunity for student to earn some pocket money, then I rushed to gain knowledge. As a student it was easy to manage some extra time for online works. At the very beginning it was very complicated to understand and there was little bit confidence over this online works. Even I was Master Degree student but unfortunately distant from technology. However, I tried it and started to works online. At the starting period I created a blog and published many blog posts regularly. At that time I needed some money to run my daily life and was working for pocket money. My blogging mission was targeted to join on Google AdSense and convert blog traffic into money. In the initial period, it was easy to access over Google AdSense. A simple blog with few articles could get chances to approve and they could places texts and images ads to their blogs or websites. But, now, it is extremely knotty to get Google AdSense approve due to several reasons.

People thought that Google AdSense is money printing machine and it can print billions of Dollars at overnight and distribute. It is wrong concept of common people who see dreams to make money from AdSense without any knowledge. Google AdSense is one of the best platforms for PPC ads and makes money by placing contextual ads on blogs or websites. There are many alternative of Google AdSense, still, Google AdSense is highly trustworthy. Every newbie make some common mistake and their AdSense account disable quickly. Because of, most of the newbie see dream to make lots of money at overnight and ignore the AdSense policies (Terms and Conditions). One AdSense research study revealed that at least 82 percent newbie (new bloggers and websites publishers) make these common mistake and they get frustration over AdSense. One anther online survey shows that at least 68 percent newbie are ignorant from AdSense Policy.

Must Read: How to earn Google Money – GAU Research

Yes, Google AdSense is a big dream of many people and they want their dream come true. It can be possible but all we should be acquainted with that; AdSense is all about policy and our every activities surveillance by AdSense Team. Google Robot and human team works together to scrutinize their ads publisher’s activities and if they found any mistake then they take instant action over violation of Terms and Conditions. Everyday thousands of AdSense accounts have been disabling due to the violation of AdSense Policy and losing their earned amount also.       
Must Read: How To Earn $500 per moth

Positive Points (What to Do):

Google AdSense is all about Traffic: It is common truth that Google AdSense is all about Traffic and converts into revenue. It means more traffic attracts more revenue and vice versa. However, low traffic generators also have been relying on AdSense earning. Each click and page-view increases the AdSense revenue account and motivates to work hard. Therefore, huge number of traffic is plus point to earn more money from AdSense and upgrade their lifestyle. There are some millionaires are generating millions of traffic to their site and establishing their online business. One click can generate $ 0.15 to $ 5 and per 1000 pages views generates $3 to $5; it depends upon niche blogs or websites. If a blog or website can generate 10000 Pageviews per day then it can easily generate minimum $300 without counting any click on ads. If a blog gets 100 clicks on ads per day then it can generate $ 450 to $1.5k per month. As a result, if you want to make money while sleeping, then you have to do struggle for traffic and Learn SEO ideas. You can drive targeted traffic to your blogs and websites and earn targeted earning.

Original Contents stuff: Google AdSense has been taking the duplicate contents issues, very seriously and rejecting those blogs with filling duplicate contents. It is becoming sober due to the copyright issues issue. Original contents get high priority and AdSense add plus points over it. A blog with original and fresh contents get quick opportunity to approve Google AdSense account. If your blog has 20-25 original contents with freshness, it will be easy to get quick access over AdSense account and starts to make money. In last 5 years, I asked many AdSense disabled account holders that, why they were getting disable their account and the reasons was simple – publishing duplicate contents and publishing ads without contents. Yes, 65 percent AdSense account disable due to the original content matter. Therefore, one thing listen to me, if you want to make more money from AdSense in the long-term; forget everything and focus your all time for publishing original contents. 

Targeted niche: Google AdSense earning depends upon your niche contents. There are several niche blogs contents and getting ads PPC rate varies according to the niche contents. Technology, Banking, finance, Insurance, Laws, Health – weight loss, Business, education related blogs contents getting high PPC rate compare with Entertainment, online dating, gaming, forums related niche contents. Therefore, you need to target your blogs content with specific niche and concentrate your mind over it. While selecting any niche topics, you should be clear on your personal skills (technical, academics, experience and resources availability).
If you are IT related person then it will be easy to handle all technological contents, however, IT related persons can not handle the law related contents. The highest Pay per click keywords comes from Laws (up to $450 per click), Banking & Finance and automobile related contents. Google shows the relevant ads on specific niche contents and helps to generate more revenues. Suppose if your content is related to Samsung Galaxy S5 Review, then Ads shows related Samsung galaxy and if your content related to Nokia Lumia 1020 then ads shows about Galaxy or windows. There is a high chance to get more clicks on related ads.  

Organic Traffic: Google AdSense always avoids the software or spasm boat traffic and it is against of AdSense policy. Newbie are not aware from it and they drive traffic from unethical ways. They get their account instantly disable due to the violation to TC. Search engine traffic, social media traffic or direct traffic can help to keep your AdSense account long-time and make money unlimited. You have to learn how to grow your blog organic ways and empower it on search engines. Once you able to ranking your blog on search engines, it will really drive targeted visitors to your sites and helps to generate more clicks on ads.

Regular Update: Google AdSense also love regular updated blogs and shows the contextual ads according to timeline of contents. Therefore, you have to update your blog per day basis. If you publish 1 blogpost per day, there will be 360 blogposts in a year. It will helpful to ranking your blog position on search engines and will get regular readers to your blogs. It’s hard to get readers those blogs which updates monthly, bimonthly or fortnightly. Regular readers always want new stuffs to your blogs and want more ideas from you. Therefore, you have to more engage to publish new content per day and make more readers.
Negative Points (What not To Do):

Invalid Click: it is common phenomenon that most of the AdSense account disabled due to the invalid click. I found that there are 74 percent account disable by invalid click. There is a strict rules that invalid click is against of Google TC and harmful for its advertisers. Google AdSense always keeps its advertisers at the safe mode and chucks the ads publishers who work against of its policy. One invalid click may harmful to breach the deal between Google and its advertisers. Therefore, you   should never tell your friends, relatives and readers to click on ads or increase impression to your blog.

Invalid Impression: it is also a common issue that many newbie try to increase their pageviews impression for make money over-nightly. It is completely wrong ways to make money from AdSense. Yes you can increase your pages view per day by doing creative works like ranking your blogpost on search engines, linking your blogpost on internal pages. But more impression from one IP address is not valid. Therefore, you should not try to increase page views impression by yourself. Your every activity will underway of observation from Google Teams. Your Ads id and your IP Address will be scrutinized.

Spam Boat Traffic: You have to faraway from spam boat traffic to your blogs. It is totally against of AdSense policy and gets quick disable your account. There are many software drive traffic, however, all these spam boat software are worthless for AdSense money makers. Therefore, do not use any software to increase your traffic and pageview impression. Your strategy should be organic.

Duplicate Content: It is the negative point for AdSense earners. Because of after the introducing of Google Panda and Penguin, critical situation stand there for duplicate content publishers. All duplicate content will be punishable and valueless. It kills your time and self creation. Some years before, Google had not cared after the duplicate contents and approved AdSense account without any review. In these days, AdSense setup its strict rule for AdSense approval and may remove ads links from your sites, if it found that content is duplicate. Thus, take much more time to write original and fresh contents. It helps to grow your blog instantly and increase traffic also. Before approving any AdSense application, Google strongly reviews the blogs and websites. 30 to 35 percent blogs AdSense accounts disable due to the reasons of duplicate contents or copy past contents.    

Low Quality contents: We know that content is a king of any blog or website. Therefore, low quality content get less values on search engines as well as the view of readers. You have to write contents with including some research base data, images, videos, infographic visualization; maps etc. and make your content more conversational. Low quality content is the negative point and diminishes the value to your blogs.

Few contents: Yes, It is also negative points and hard to drive huge number of traffic for few contents. Google never approve an account with few contents like only 10 or 15 contents. Thus, you have to publish more contents to get quick AdSense approval and generate more traffic to your blogs. More traffic helps to generate more money from AdSense.

Ads on empty pages: do not place Google ads on empty pages. Time has changed and Google has also modified a rule that placing the ads on empty pages is against of AdSense policy. You have to remove Google ads links from your empty pages, if you ignore this one. One day your account definitely disable.

Finally, Google AdSense is the best place to make money online and make a life happier. There are many alternative of Google AdSense, however every blogger and web publishers eager to work with Google. Google is also a high Paying contextual ads programs and highly trustworthy. Many blogger do not believe on other ads networks and wait for long time to get chance for AdSense approval. All bloggers should completely aware from AdSense policy and should understand that what to do or what not to do. You should not worry that whether you earn or not but worry about violation of AdSense policy. Make sure that you are following AdSense policy on the right way.


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